
A warm welcome to you!

I work with people who are willing and ready to simply stop.

The invitation is to be still, remember and BE what is already and always Here; Love, Freedom, Beauty and Truth.

My heart’s desire is to invite and connect with people who are open to meeting, exploring and living in this way.

Through gentle inquiry and stillness, we meet whatever life is presenting and simply let it BE, without the need to change it, fix it or get rid of it.

I am here to remind people, through my own experience, that it IS possible to live a beautiful and peaceful life in this world, now, and that it can be lighter, simpler and more beautiful than your mind could ever imagine.

When you are interested in LOVE and PEACE, you become one pointed in this focus and so it becomes your lived experience. This doesn’t mean that you get everything you (think) you want or that life is forever smooth! It does however, illuminate your inner wisdom so that you can BE who you really are, in each moment, regardless of what is arising in this human experience.

This way is not about introducing you to new concepts or giving you techniques or practices to do. It is also not about creating a better version of you (for this only perpetuates the illusion that there is a separate Self (which is not already whole and complete)! Rather, it is about the opposite, an undoing… an unlearning… and offering space for you to simply REST deeply in what is already and always right Here.

A life of freedom. A love that ravishes you. A deep inner peace.

With love,

Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world.
— Ramana Maharshi

When there is peace in me, there is peace in my home and peace in the world. Peace starts with me.